Edinburg council member will vacate seat

EDINBURG — The mayor pro tem here announced Friday morning he will not seek re-election.

J.R. Betancourt will vacate his seat at the end of his term to spend more time with his family, he said in a press release Friday.

“As my term comes to an end, I have decided that the time has come for me to devote more time to my family and my business,” the certified public accountant said. “A big thank you to my wife and three daughters for their continued support and for never complaining when I couldn’t be present at their school and extracurricular events.”

Betancourt thanked Edinburg residents and city employees for their continued support and listed a number of accomplishments for the city, including the creation of jobs, downtown revitalization efforts, expansion of one of the water plants and a slew of other projects.

“We have come a long way and I know more success is sure to come,” the mayor pro tem said. “I am very proud of the work we have done to bring new opportunities to our city and this region.”

Betancourt’s exit may tilt the scale on the council as he is part of the majority-ruling faction, which also includes council member Homer Jasso Jr. and Mayor Richard H. Garcia. Garcia’s seat will also be on the ballot.

Currently, there is only one person who has expressed interest in Betancourt’s seat: Gilbert Enriquez, a former Edinburg school trustee. Candidates, however, can still file to run until Aug. 21.