Water project enters last phase in Brownsville; Southmost storage tank to be complete late June

A view of Brownsville Public Utilities Board Administration Building and PUB's new Annex Building. (Miguel Roberts/The Brownsville Herald)
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The Brownsville Public Utilities Board waterline replacement project that’s been affecting traffic flow on Boca Chica Boulevard/S.H. 4 since November is about to enter its final phase.

BPUB crews have been installing a new 16-inch waterline along the south side of Boca Chica, part of a waterline loop that eventually will connect with BPUB’s new 2-million-gallon elevated water storage tank at the corner of Southmost Boulevard and East 30th Street once it’s finished.

The final phase will tie in the new waterline to the existing line on Owens Road, BPUB said, adding that the Boca Chica Waterline Upgrade Project is necessary to make its water distribution system better and more reliable.

The current estimated date for completion of the new Southmost water storage tank is the end of June, according to a BPUB spokesman.

The work will take place May 1 to 5 and will require Owens Road to be closed completely where it intersects with Boca Chica.

Motorists wishing to access Owens Road will have to follow detour signs along International Boulevard, Southmost Road and 30th Street.

The Brownsville Police Department will be redirecting traffic during peak hours during construction until motorists get used to the new traffic changes, BPUB said, noting that construction dates and times are approximate and can chance “due to the nature of weather, soil conditions and job provisions.”

BPUB, the city of Brownsville and the Texas Department of Transportation are coordinating on the project to make it as safe and efficient as possible, said BPUB, which apologized for any inconvenience to motorist from street closures.

For more information on road closures, visit brownsville-pub.com.

Customers with questions or concerns should call (956) 983-6100.