Six Brownsville city employees test positive of COVID-19

Brownsville city officials have announced that six city employees have tested positive for the coronavirus.

The city reported Wednesday night that three are Brownsville police officers, one is a firefighter and two employee who work for the city’s Engineering and Public Works Department.

The employees were tested last week and this week and the results of their testings were received on Wednesday.

The city states those in contact with the employees that are in a medium to high risk of exposure will be tested and quarantined. All associated work spaces will be disinfected and deep cleaned.

The names of the employees will not be released because of privacy laws.

The city states it is prepared to continue to maintain its level of service to the community. Officials said this is being accomplished through implementation of continuity plans based on a pandemic planning framework.

The city reports it will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as they are needed.