Workforce agency hosts town hall for employers

HARLINGEN — Employers seeking the latest updates on unemployment rules, business services and resources during the COVID-19 era can find those facts at a town hall June 11.

The Virtual Town Hall for Employers, to be held online on the Zoom platform, is sponsored by Workforce Solutions Cameron and the Texas Workforce Commission.

Featured speakers and guests include state Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr., Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño Jr. and Brownsville Mayor Trey Mendez.

Also attending will be Aaron Demerson, TWC commissioner representing employers, Adriana Cruz, director of the governor’s office of economic development, Dale Robertson, director of the TWC office of employer initiatives and Clay Cole, TWC unemployment insurance director.

The organizers stress space on the Zoom virtual meeting is limited and employers seeking to participate need to register first at

At that time, employers who have registered may submit questions to be addressed by the speakers and experts at the meeting.

Deadline for registration and submitting questions is June 5.

Online registration