Furlough kitchen coming to Edinburg

EDINBURG — Walk-On’s Sports Bistreaux on Tuesday announced the opening of a furlough kitchen in Edinburg that will feed furloughed workers a free meal regardless of their former job.

The bar and restaurant will be serving the meals from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday at its Trenton location. Additional dates may be added contingent on donations, a release from the company read.

According to the statement, Walk-On’s expects to serve more than 1,000 meals Saturday and the restaurant has already operated a similar event in Baton Rouge.

“Furlough Kitchen by Walk-On’s has been very successful in feeding furloughed employees, and we look forward to continuing that success,” Walk-On’s Director of Operations Isaac Garza said in the release. “We are dedicated to doing what we can to lessen the impact that COVID-19 has caused in our community.”

Walk-On’s is asking for monetary donations to its Game On Foundation which will directly benefit furloughed employees with meals and support, the release said.

“At Walk-On’s, we are deeply committed to the welfare of every community we serve, which is why it’s our mission to take Furlough Kitchen by Walk-On’s to all of our markets,” Walk-On’s COO and President Scott Taylor said. “Our focus is on helping our communities through these unprecedented (times), and we couldn’t be more proud to be part of this movement.”

Donations can be made at walkonsgameon.org and more information on the furlough kitchen program is available at www.furloughkitchen.org.