30 RGV residents die due to COVID-19

Thirty more Rio Grande Valley residents died due to complications related to COVID-19, county officials announced Friday.

Hidalgo County reported 22 people died due to the coronavirus, bringing their total COVID-19 deaths to 1,510.

The county also reported 202 new positive cases for a total of 30,577. Currently, 2,188 cases are considered active.

“The death and infection numbers continue to rise,” County Judge Richard F. Cortez stated in a news release. “We should all be concerned and we should all pray for the families and friends of those who have died.” 

Hospitalizations throughout the county, however, continue trending down with 177 COVID-19 hospitalizations reported Friday. Of those, 69 are being treated in an intensive care unit.

In Cameron County, eight more residents died due to complications related to COVID-19, and another 66 individuals tested positive for the disease, the county announced Friday.

Two people between the ages of 40 to 49 and six between the ages of 60 to 69 are the latest reported to have died due to the coronavirus.

They were residents of Brownsville, Laguna Heights and San Benito.

With the addition of the eight individuals, Cameron County has had a total of 869 COVID-19 related fatalities since the start of the pandemic, and the 66 additional confirmed cases brings that total to 22,405, according to county health officials.

Of those, 2,954 cases are considered active.

Three of the newly confirmed cases are among Cameron County employees — two from the county’s building maintenance and one from the district attorney’s office, according to a news release issued by the county judge’s office.

“The positive COVID-19 case count among our county employees has remained low and I want to commend everyone for doing what’s necessary to protect yourself and your fellow coworkers,” County Judge Eddie Treviño Jr. stated in the release. “The risks associated with COVID-19 remain among us and I ask that you please continue to utilize health and sanitation protocols when out in public to prevent the spread of COVID-19 both at work and at home.”

Starr County reported six new cases on Thursday for a total of 535 active cases and a total of 154 deaths related to the disease. Of the people who have tested positive, the county reports 2,948 of those individuals recovered.

Willacy County reported there were no new cases on Friday and their total number of confirmed cases remained at 1,163.