This year must be, bash the President of the United States year.
One writer complains because President Donald Trump is part of the one percent richest individuals.
Another one lives in Sebastian or LaVilla, one of those towns, where if schools didn’t exist, the town wouldn’t either. Then there is one from San Benito, a municipality that has an annual budget of $12,000,000, let me see.
I wonder how many towns with that budget, the President of the U.S. could buy.
Then there is one from Harlingen, that lives off the government. And his conversation rotates mostly about the President.
Let me be clear, there is no one in the Valley that I know, that the policies of the Trump administration are going to impact their $30,000 a year pension.
Or their $42,000 annual income.
This area is one of the most grotesque, uneducated, filled with poverty from citizens who lack the intestinal fortitude to work hard and make a better life.
The writers who frequently complain, remind me of nothing more than low rent carnival barkers, peddling their feel sorry for me, I am poor attitude, instead of looking for work.
Frank Garcia, Harlingen