To the Editor:
A few years ago, in the early days of televised sports, people would sometimes get beered up at a game and run onto the field.
The TV cameras would follow the person until they got grabbed and taken off the field.
The person would go to court and pay a small fine. Then they could brag to all their friends” hey, did you see me on TV?”
The TV people finally wised up and decided not to show these incidents on TV and these incidents have mostly disappeared ‘Today we have football players doing the same thing acting up to get attention.
How long would their actions or inactions continue if the cameras were turned away from them? As for standing for the National Anthem, how many people really stand at attention?
How about the cameramen at the game? The reporters in the booth or the people selling hot dogs and beer?
Picture a crowd of guys in a bar waiting to watch the game and are knocking down a few beers, do they stand up?
People at home watching the game, do they stand up? How about you, do you stand up?
Jim Scoble
San Benito