DACA dilemma

During 2012, President Barack Obama signed an executive order called the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA.

It allows illegal immigrants who entered this country as minors to receive a renewable 2-year period of deferred action from deportation and eligibility for a work permit.

As of 2017, about 800,000 individuals have been granted DACA status.

Many legal experts believe that the DACA program might not survive a court challenge based on the constitution principle of separation of powers.

Presently, there is a lawsuit against another of President Obama’s executive orders called the Deferred Action for the Parents of American and Lawful Permanent Residents or DAPA.

Attorney generals from 10 states are threatening to add DACA to the DAPA lawsuit. This would force the Trump Administration’s Justice Department to defend or abandon it.

Referring to the DACA dilemma, President Donald Trump has not decided how to handle DACA. He prefers a comprehensive immigration plan, but political forces are not ready now.

He has stated there are two sides to each story and must make a very hard decision on this matter soon.

Silvestre Moreno Jr. Mercedes