Where the truth lies

The saying goes, There’s two sides to every story, then there’s the truth.”

That being the case, it becomes virtually impossible for any American that is dependent on the liberal, corporate-owned, broadcast and print media for their news to have any idea what the truth might be on any given topic.

“If” the MSM were not the Democratic Party’s propaganda wing, and in collusion with other liberal news outlets, the American public might be aware of the following: 7/3/2017, The Hill – Media reaps dividends from Trump attacks: “Now some on the left, such as Rolling Stone journalist Matt Taibbi and Intercept founder Glen Greenwald, are sounding the alarm.

Both argued last week that media outlets are behaving recklessly in covering the Russia investigation, which has driven much of the coverage on CNN and MSNBC.

Over and over (and over and over), major U.S. media outlets have published claims about the Russia Threat that turned out to be completely false — always in the direction of exaggerating the threat and/or inventing incriminating links between Moscow and the Trump circle,’ Greenwald wrote.

In virtually all cases, those stories involved evidence-free assertions from anonymous sources that these media outlets uncritically treated as fact, only for it to be revealed that they are entirely false’.”

FYI, according to Wikipedia, “The Hill has the largest circulation of any Capitol Hill periodical.”

Besides CNN and MSNBC, I will include ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, all the Spanish-speaking broadcast media, as well as all the liberal print media, especially the Associated Press, as being part of the “behaving recklessly,” anti-Trump cabal.

Locally, because of their multiple daily newscasts, Channel 5 News is the absolute worst at reporting derogatory, anti-Trump stories.

Before Mr. Trump’s inauguration, one Channel 5 News’ female anchor, with as serious and as stern a look as she could muster, reported the story about the supposed, Trump/Russia “dossier.”

Unsubstantiated Fake News was reported as being factual. See what I mean?

The Channel 5 News anti-Trump bias runs pretty deep.

After Karen Handel beat Dem Jon Ossoff in the Georgia special election on 6/20/2017, the most expensive congressional race in US history, Channel 5 did not announce the results on their 10-10:30 p.m. newscast.

Anyone interested in the results of the hotly-contested race that Democrats put everything they had into defeating Ms. Handel, including Hollywood celebrities campaigning for Ossoff, and outspending Ms. Handel 5 to 1, had to wait until Channel 5’s 10:30-11 p.m. newscast.

There was no follow-up on Channel 5’s 6/21/2017 noon and afternoon newscasts either.

What does that tell us?

For some additional headlines the liberal MSM will likely never report on, Google: “Trump “assassination” play sponsored by NY Times and CNN parent company, Time Warner.” Talk about anti-Trump bias!

“CNN faced $100 million lawsuit over botched Russia story.”

“NY Times and Associated Press retract claim that 17 US intelligence agencies verified Russian involvement in 2016 election”.

“Daily Mail – 3 CNN journalists resign over Trump/Russia story”.

“ProjectVeritas exposes CNN.” CNN producer John Bonifield was covertly recorded saying Trump/Russia reports, “mostly BS” and for ratings.

The list of liberal MSM bias is endless.

How can a conservative as myself ever believe the liberal, anti-conservative, anti-Trump mainstream media?

N. Rodriguez Harlingen