Mother of Tim Tebow to speak tomorrow in San Benito

SAN BENITO — Every day in the United States, an estimated 3,000 babies are aborted.

To those involved with the Pregnancy Resource Center of the Rio Grande Valley, that’s heart breaking.

Tomorrow, a local faith-based nonprofit organization, the PRC is inviting the public to Life Awakening, a prolife awareness and benefit event with guest speaker Pam Tebow.

“Every day in the United States we remember the tragedy of 9/11 when nearly 3,000 lives were lost. At PRC, our heart breaks for the 3,000 babies that are aborted every single day in the U.S.,” Nicole Hoff, executive director of PRC said.

“We are seeking a Life Revival in the Rio Grande Valley and across our nation. We believe this night will be just that — a night where we can speak life and make a difference in the pro-life movement together.

“We are expecting guests from all over the Valley that will join with us to help save lives both physically & eternally. We would like to invite our community to join us.”

Special guest speaker Pam Tebow has a well-known name and a very well-known son.

She is coming to share her remarkable testimony at the Life Awakening event.

When pressured to abort her fifth child, Pam rejected the doctor’s recommendation and placed her faith in God.

“A few months later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Tim Tebow, who grew up to become an All-American quarterback, Heisman Trophy winner, and player in the NFL,” said Grace Curiel, the Weslaco PRC center director, who has served counseling women in crisis or unplanned pregnancies for 17 years.

Today, the Tebow family performs missions work all across the world.

PRC officials are excited to have Tebow unite with them for this cause to stand for life in the community.

The Sing to Save Worship Band is a new outreach of PRC.

Melissa Sanchez, the visionary of the band and PRC’s center director in Mission said, “We will start our event with worship because we recognize that the most important commitment we can make to save lives of the unborn is through the act of prayer and worship together.”

The band is made up of worshippers from all across the Valley, including some of the PRC staff, uniting together in song.

“I love in Matthew 18:20 where it says ‘For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them’ and so we anticipate His presence at this event,” Sanchez said.

The Pregnancy Resource Centers of the Rio Grande Valley is a 27-year-old faith-based nonprofit formerly known as Pregnancy Testing Centers (PTC).

The mission of the Pregnancy Resource Centers is to reach out with the love of Christ to those in unplanned pregnancy situations by informing them of positive alternatives to abortion, providing life-affirming physical, mental, and spiritual health care, encouraging abstinence outside of marriage, and providing necessary resources to those who have chosen life, as well as compassionately embracing those who have suffered the trauma of abortion.