Pet shelter president stresses need for Willacy location

RAYMONDVILLE — Pat Turman-White rattles off horror stories when she talks about Willacy County’s stray dogs and cats.

“I saw a dog eating a dead dog,” the president of the Harlingen Humane Society said yesterday.

In Sebastian, she said, residents shoot dogs.

“They’re taking the dogs out and shooting them at the dump,” she said.

Now, the Harlingen Humane Society plans to raise money to build a holding center for dogs and a cat sanctuary in Willacy County, where strays are “out of control.”

“It’s everywhere,” Turman-White said of stray dogs and cats. “It’s horrible what we see.”

First, Turman-White asked for help to build the holding center and sanctuary.

Last month, she asked Willacy County commissioners to donate land on which the Humane Society could build the facilities.

But when she did not get a response last Thursday, she told commissioners the Humane Society would raise money itself to buy land for the project.

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