Island officials expect more for Spring Break 2016

SOUTH PADRE ISLAND — Some would call Spring Break a college student’s rite of passage in joining their classmates on the beach for a week of freedom and fun.

“We’re very excited for Spring Break and we’re expecting more people than we’ve had over the last few years,” said Dennis Stahl, SPI city councilman.

The Island is ready to offer the experience to the thousands they are expecting this month.

College students from around the country will make their way to the Island and trade their books for swimsuits and a refreshment.

It appears the weather is going to be great for the many visitors expected to invade the Island.

One of many things that sets South Padre Island apart from other beach destinations is that drinking is allowed on the beach day and night.

And now that college football tailgate parties are a blur and finals are out of the way, students are ready to let loose.

Other popular beach destinations in Texas and Florida have banned or tightened up on alcohol consumption.

And now the Island is expecting to draw more people who would have typically traveled to Panama City Beach and Port Aransas for the break before those areas apparently banned beer or drinking on the beach at night.

“Kids are going to come down here, so we’re expecting a much bigger crowd then we’ve had in the last couple of years,” Stahl said.

According to city rental owners, hotels and rentals available are almost to capacity.

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