Stolen guns, ammo still missing

PRIMERA — A 600-pound safe containing handguns, assault rifles, and ammunition stolen from a home on Stuart Place Road remains missing.

Primera police had been investigating the Feb. 12. robbery.

That’s when they received a lead.

“The Crime Stoppers tip was the breakthrough to apprehending three individuals so far,” said Chief Manuel Trevino, Primera police. “We still haven’t closed the case, and we’re still asking the public for help.”

The call to Primera Crime Stoppers pointed police to a video promoting the sale of the guns on the social media application called WhatsApp.

Now three men are behind bars in connection to the stolen guns.

However, the stolen items have not been recovered.

Jose Juan Jacquez Jr. and Paul Lee Navarro are charged in the connection to the theft of the large safe that contained the guns and ammunition.

The two men were arrested after they were linked to posting the video on social media in efforts to sell the guns.

Police said the two men were arraigned Tuesday by Judge Mike Trejo on charges of theft and engaging in organized crime activity and given a combined bond of $100,000.

“Our main goal is to recover the weapons,” Trevino said.

The case was helped by a man held in custody by Harlingen police.

Police said Pasqual Hernandez, 36, who was arrested by Harlingen police, provided the location of the guns.

Pasqual was detained during a narcotics raid on March 2 in Harlingen and also was charged with theft of a firearm linking him to the stolen guns.

Police obtained surveillance footage from the Best Little Warehouse in Texas located on Palm Court.

Police said by the time they searched the warehouse the guns were gone.

This has been a joint investigation between ATF, U.S. Marshals, ICE and Harlingen police.

The case still is under investigation.

Anyone with more information is asked to call the Primera Crime Stoppers at (956) 536-0776