LETTER: The ugly truth about unaccompanied children

Having worked at both a juvenile detention center in California and as a child abuse investigator in Nevada, what I read today made sense. It answered the question: Why are so many unaccompanied children being sent across the border to the United States? Per Marcos Tamariz, Doctors Without Borders’ deputy head of mission for Mexico and Central America, who spoke via Zoom from Matamoros, Mexico, on March 2, 2021:“The actual situation is they’re not able nor have the capacity to keep them or provide the protection and services that they deserve,” Tamariz said from Matamoros, where his organization is helping migrants.

The Mexican government agency Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (DIF Nacional), which oversees the welfare of children, is to blame, he said. It is similar to Child Protective Services in the United States, but the DIF agencies operate differently within each of Mexico’s states. And in Tamaulipas, Tamariz says, the condition at DIF facilities are abysmal. Some DIF facilities lack doors, and “it’s worse than a makeshift camp; you don’t even have access to proper water,” Tamariz said.”Per the above statement, it appears Mexico is emptying their Child Protection Facilities by sending the abuse and neglected foster children to the United States. They are our problem now. If you thought before American Foster Care was overwhelmed, underfunded and created missing and exploited children, now add the children from other countries.This is a crisis, immoral and yes even wicked. Children sent here will be killed, sex trafficked, exploited, and everything in between. They don’t speak the language; they don’t have a family; and now they are alone and meat for the predatory beasts. Who will miss them if they disappear?

Having been a foster child in America, having personally investigated institutions, group homes, and foster homes I can say first hand child abuse, the manufacturing of child porn and worse are commonplace. This is in vetted facilities. Add special needs kids and things get even more inhumane.

Now the press is not being allowed into these facilities. What’s the real plan here? Because we know, based on what New York Governor Andrew Cuomo did in New York to the elderly. The current U.S. President Joe Biden and his administration are not about helping the most vulnerable people, as Governor Cuomo is still in office. Abandoned children from other countries don’t have a chance. Not even in America. Like Epstein’s Island where the ugly truth happened unabated this is on a much larger scale.

Roberta Cummings, Harlingen