COMMENTARY: What Critical Race Theory (CRT) is

By JIM N. TAYLOR, Special to the Star

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is derived from the Marxist Critical Theory by using race as the means of dividing the population by racial identifications instead of other classifications of the oppressed and the oppressors. Without exception, any person (and his/her race) is either an oppressor or oppressed or both; but that only the white race is privileged by not being oppressed by another race.

The individual apparently has no choice in his status toward oppression, only his race determines this. That would mean that free will cannot exist. The white individual and/or race cannot exist without contributing to the oppression of other races.

The only escape from the effect of white oppression would be the elimination of that race. Separation from that race would be a second choice alternative.

The fact that history and/or experience has proven the fallacies of the CRT is never considered by its proponents. Since believers do not inform as to what race would be the number one oppressing race if the white race were eliminated, we must assume that only the white race requires elimination.

CRT believers state that all things American are racist; including our Declaration of Independence and Constitution along with all the laws written in agreement with these documents. They say that such lofty sentiments in our founding documents are for the cloaking of our racism to hide the oppression of other races by whites.

Obviously, such a theory opposes the idea that the individual makes his own choice as to his thoughts and behavior toward any other individual or group (free will); it opposes the proven knowledge that the variation of individual character between races is lower than the variation of individual character within races.

Martin Luther King preached that his goal was judgement by character instead of by race, but CRT negates this idea AWA its goal of color-blind behavior.

CRT wants recognition of race within each and every action between races, and seeks separation of the races into oppressed and oppressors; to teach whites to oppose themselves as oppressors, with no explanation of how a race or white individual could honestly preach or seek self-elimination.

Americans are being asked by CRT Marxists to re-educate themselves to the impossible, and this must be opposed with all vigor at every level. We have politicians who are at least pretending to go along with CRT. Each aspiring officeholder must be openly questioned as to their view(s) of such activity in any setting, and be informed of our rejection of all CRT existence in America. Especially a President must oppose CRT in government agencies, activities of any government employee or group, or in any school or university. One of Biden’s first dictates was to rescind Trump’s ban (non-funding) on such activities in government properties and offices or activities.

All support must be denied any government employee or politician who accepts any part of CRT. A theory which teaches races to hate each other or themselves for being racists can only be harmful to race relations and making diversity functional.

Diversity can only be a strength where races are not merely tolerant of each other but where they function within mutual respect. Above all, our military branches must remain free of CRT.

CRT proponents must be confronted and engaged wherever they are found, politically, socially and philosophically. No company or organization can afford the discontent it brings to any group. Like minded citizens in all groups must find each other and agree upon a course of action.

Lawsuits may need to be filed, walkouts may have to be staged, internal votes may need to be forced; we must do whatever it takes. Parents must organize without the interference of teachers (unions) or school administration personnel to insist that schools be free of CRT.

It doesn’t take a mental giant to understand what happens to a nation not simply divided by race, but with races opposed to each other through teaching resentment and hate – and with that hate initially directed against the “privileged” white race.

The demographic changes that have come about since our immigration laws were changed in the 1960s indicate that Latinos will dominate North America numerically and politically within a couple or more decades and that the white race will be a minority in my children’s lifetime. This will happen even if we stopped immigration tomorrow, because “Latino-Americans” outbreed “Gringos.”

Having lived in Latin American countries, we know that blacks will have even greater “oppression” (social and political domination) from the Latinos than from whites. Latinos have zero guilt complex to brake their “oppression,” since their ancestors supposedly had no slaves.

If Critical Race Theory/ Marxism and Communism (the ultimate goal of Socialism) take over, America will never again be beautiful. Most Americans will then live the same miserable life that 90% of socialists do. I will have escaped through my vulnerability to mortality.

Jim N. Taylor, a Harlingen resident, is regularly published in the Valley Morning Star.