COMMENTARY: Silence of the lambs; forget unity

By Jim. N. Taylor, Special to the Star

One must choose whether to exercise courage or fear if he is to be truthful in exposing the newly empowered progressive liberals (Plibs, recently admitted socialists). Formerly, we conservatives were labeled only as racists and hacks when we spoke facts against the Plibs, but now we are also labeled as domestic terrorists. Formerly, we were allowed freedom of speech, but now we might be treated as the fellow who made fun of Hillary on Twitter and now faces a 10 year sentence for what, terrorism? Or we might have our business shut down, like Parler, for allowing the freedom to opine against the left on the only social media competition not controlled by Plibs’ corporations.

They now tell us we will not be allowed to work in any government bureau or agency or allowed to remain in Congress if we are known to speak against the Plibs’ agenda or beliefs. We may well lose our present employment and/or our current contracts may be cancelled if we are not of the left-leaning persuasion?

It is called the cancel culture. Even moderately conservatives are being denounced as traitors or even terrorists. I certainly cannot think of myself as a terrorist or traitor, but I’m told that my own opinion will not matter, since I speak against the Plibs’ agenda.

At first I thought the increase in vindictiveness from the left was just a part of their natural meanness toward logical people, but now I understand the leading Plibs actually have fear of the people they should be leading. They fear them, not because of the small amount of damage done by a few rioting marchers in Washington, but for the knowledge that Plibs have done a serious wrong to the public, which justifies our anger.

We might have eventually forgiven Plibs for some of the unjustified cruelties to D. Trump and family for more than four years because we knew him to be offensive to many people. We voted for his policies, not the person. But the amount of lying by the Plibs either in the media or otherwise in regard to Trump is not forgivable.

And the last straw: they cheated enough in electing Biden to prevent confidence in the outcome. The lack of evidence in the massiveness of the fraud was part of their successful plan. Since ballots are not signed, any number of ballots for Biden could be computer-manufactured and counted right along with the legitimate ones, provided the Democrats were in charge of getting the votes counted. And in the swing states they control, that is exactly what happened. Even though Trump was ahead when we went to sleep, in the light of the next day he had lost. A man who could not draw a crowd in his non-campaign had beaten the candidate whose rallies were standing-room-only. Unbelievable!

Using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse, election laws were changed in swing-Dem states; not by constitutionally authorized state legislatures, but by lower Democrat election officials. Ballots previously considered illegitimate were now valid; all that was needed was a way to produce the ballots and Shazam! They appeared overnight. Even though 75 million Trump voters exceeded all previous presidential vote counts, printouts for Biden exceeded even that count – again unbelievable.

Is it possible that the cheating did not win the election? Yes, but there is also that possibility that it did.Since there is no evidence or authority to whom we can turn for a proper investigation, we will never know.

The Supreme Court could have intervened but cowardice and laziness prevented that. After all, it was state laws that were violated, not the national ones. The SCOTUS can deny jurisdictional responsibility, but they could have declared and remedied the situation. A moral failure.

When Trump allowed the petroleum self-sufficiency by fiat, he did not deprive anyone of employment or cause business closures, asset loss or failures – making his executive orders legitimate. Biden undid this, eliminating 11,000 jobs and possibly breaking several businesses which could be employing still more people.

He demoralizes our troops mixing them with transgenders. Every order he writes is anti-economic or anti-American illegitimate. His acceptance through his family of funds from China, the Ukraine and Russia is/was also illegitimate. The Republican lambs and the abetting media will not call him on any of this either for fear or complicity. We conservatives may also be silent lambs, but you can forget unity.

That would mean complete surrender.

Jim N. Taylor is a Harlingen resident who regularly contributes to the Valley Morning Star.