Letters: Close borders

I loved reading Raymond Yates’ letter (Sept. 23), and yes, Raymond, I will help you, but we need more people to hear and help us!

It galls me when I see where the refugees are getting off the air-conditioned buses and doing the peace sign like they’re heroes coming back from a war. I salute Gov. Abbott and Ron DeSantis for busing the refugees to the so-called sanctuary cities, but it would be better if the refugees were sent on open-air trucks or on top of rail cars like they are used to.

The Obamas and the other residents of Martha’s Vineyard showed their true colors when they helped the refugees and then sent them somewhere else because the custodial jobs were taken already at their mansions and beach houses.

It’s one thing when the open-border cities are suffering with the illegals, but when the liberal city officials say, “Give me the poor aliens,” but when they get immigrants the officials like Eric Adams and Lori Lightfoot close their fancy doors and tell them adios.

Gov. Abbott sent the crossers to “Forgetful Joe” Biden, because they will be protected from the Border Patrol by the $385,000 fence built with our hard-earned taxes, or directly to “Giggles” Kamala Harris’ residence.

Also, I must tell my fellow citizens that many crossers are from Ukraine, where the crooked government officials are stealing the billions of dollars that “Drowsy Joe” gives them for the war against Russia.

I’m of Spanish descent. Yes, I feel for these poor people from Central America, but our tax-paying citizens come first, like our elderly (like me, 68 years) or our veterans who truly need help but don’t get it.

Maybe the 87,000 IRS agents who will be hired can audit all these big-time companies who hire the crossers who are paid cash for their work?

Please help me and Raymond Yates close the borders, because we are facing an invasion caused by this liberal Biden administration! God help us.

Ricardo Rosales Sr.




It’s time for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to invoke the 25th Amendment, as Joe Biden has gone off the deep end mentally in a recent event where he was speaking. I know this man has a history of gaffes, but he recently called out looking for Republican congresswoman who was killed along with members of her staff in a horrible car accident nearly two months ago.

At first I thought it was a mean spirited jab, but if you watch the event as it unfolds he seems to genuinely reach out to this dead woman, which is either sad or demented. Either way our country is at terrible risk as this event has been viewed around the world and I’m sure the intelligence agencies of our adversaries have evaluated the video and made the determination that the 46th president of the United States is not cognitively capable of managing the affairs of our nation.

His diminished mental capacity has already given bravado to the leaders of Russia, North Korea and China. There has never been a more crucial time in the history of the world where the leader of the free world serving in a diminished capacity has become a clear and present danger to all of us, and it is time for Congress to act on behalf of “We the People.”

Jake Longoria
