Letters: Uvalde angels

On May 24, a beautiful mid-morning, the sky had a special blue and the heavens were very peaceful. Suddenly, there at the gates of heaven, numerous knocks were heard, breaking the silence of this heavenly place. The doorkeeper told Jesus and his mother Mary, “It seems we have numerous visitors.”

Jesus told him, “Hurry, open the gates; we love visitors.”

When the gates were opened, 19 beautiful schoolchildren ran inside accompanied by two teachers, their chaperones. Jesus opened his loving arms, embracing the children and their teachers. Some even sat on the lap of Jesus’ mom. They all wanted to talk at the same time, explaining that they were able to spend their summer vacation in this heavenly place.

Jesus answered, “Mother and I and all the angels will love to have you all for whatever time you want; you will be very happy. Do not worry, your loving parents already know that you all are safe in our home.

Jesus explained, “You will be very busy having classes and having a lot of fun with the teachings of our beautiful angels and at the end you reward will be a pair of beautiful wings for each of you. You will be able to fly all over the heavens and earth, over the seas and mountains and beautiful forests and play in the soft clouds. My mother and I know that you will be so happy that you wouldn’t want to leave, but every night you all can go home and kiss your loving parents goodnight and someday they will come and live here also with you in my home until the end of time.

On May 24, our hearts were broken again like so many times before. Our innocent little children were the target of a heartless individual who took the lives of these beautiful children to ease his hate and troubled mind.

Looking young or old does not stop the people who sell guns, especially that type of warfare rifle that should not be sold to civilians or had as trophies by gun lovers. But sadly, we are living in a world where greed and money are greater, the law has failed us, whoever is at fault for not changing or enforcing it have blood on their hands. May God forgive them, because the parents of those small children won’t.

Amparo Delgado


Bused migrants

treated too well

I love the Letters to the Editor section, especially the letters written by Jake Longoria and Imelda Coronado!

I almost fell off my recliner when I saw that immigrants are bused off in air-conditioned buses to New York from Texas by Gov. Greg Abbott. These immigrants are given free food and some receive cellphones and are housed in a hotel where the fee is $600 a night in New York City.

These people should be put in open-air trucks or on top of rail cars and sent to the homes of the mayor or the house of “Aviator Joe: in Delaware where he is installing a $500,000 fence paid by our tax money.

These immigrants wave like they are heroes coming home from war when they should be sent back to their countries by “Aviator Joe.” When and if these people are sent back the U.S. Border Patrol should play a tape of “No se puede, no se puede” on loudspeakers!

Ricardo Rosales Sr.
