Supporting Republicans

In the letter to the editor of Aug. 1, “Voter switch spurs comment,” It seems the writer insulted all residents not only in suburban areas but also in Cameron County, considering there are no suburbs in the Valley, by referring to them as having a ridiculously short attention span by asking why they had voted one way in previous elections.

Could it be that these residents have families and are facing hard financial times because of how they voted the last time and they remember how the economy was booming and then recovering from the Chinese virus under President Trump?

I guess my attention span is also ridiculously short. As I was starting my career, I remember voting for Jimmy Carter and other Democrats. I did come to the conclusion that the Democrat Socialist Party is the party of the poor. I couldn’t buy a car or a house under Jimmy Carter and his political party because interest rates were over 20%. We also had a gas shortage. So later, I voted for Ronald Reagan and was able to buy a house and a car.

I believe the switch is called common sense and critical thinking, and definitely not called having a short attention span.

Point is, most people aren’t blinded by their ideology.

He mentions voter suppression tactics, gerrymandering and cheating. As for gerrymandering, Barack Obama said it best: “We won the election.”

Interesting he forgets that socialist Democrats are very good at these tactics. They have a long history of suppression and cheating. For example, how did Lyndon B. Johnson win his Senate seat? It seems he had lost, but out of nowhere this Box 13 appeared with basically all votes for Johnson. So, when President Trump complained about voting irregularities in Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, some reportedly caught on video, the mass media called it sour grapes.

So, today shades of Box 13 cheating still exist. In DuvalCounty they discovered by some strange coincidence 238 votes for Lloyd Doggett in a close Democrat runoff election. Doggett won. So, they even cheat among themselves.

Funny, I’ve yet to read an article of mob lynching at the Capitol, but I have read articles of Democrat mobs burning and killing innocent people and members of law enforcement in northern Democrat-controlled cities. They also burned businesses that have yet to recover.

Common sense tells me that Joe Biden and these socialist Democrats have given us in recent years high inflation, high gas prices, open borders, shortages at the grocery store and shortages of baby food. Now, we are faced with a possible conflict with China that may lead to war.

So, why wouldn’t tens of thousands of suburban voters become Republican? These suburban residents have common sense and critical thinking skills.

Fact is that at the Democrat National Convention to nominate Obama and Biden the delegates denied God three times.

So, from what I have seen in the news media elite Democrats kneel before the socialist Democrat Party and Republicans before God.

So common sense tells me that this November we should see a red wave of Republicans getting elected.

Carlos Cantu lives in Brownsville.