Letters: Response to writer

Let’s make up our minds: Have our public school teachers failed us, or are they doing a good job? In January, Ernesto Gorena wrote, “I sometimes wonder if our public school systems have completely failed us and last week our vice-president (Kamala Harris) confirmed my suspicions.” Apparently, Kamala said something that Gorena disagreed with.

Now Gorena has a different opinion. In July he wrote to congratulate Mayra Flores for her victory as a “rookie politician,” and also the public education school systems. “It is very apparent,” he wrote, “that Mayra was a great student and she had some great teachers.

Gorena’s 180 turnaround should make some teachers happy and that’s a positive!

Kamala Harris, our first female vice president in history, got her higher education at the University of California, Hastings College of Law and Howard University. She served as California’s attorney general for six years and was a senator for four. She’s an accomplished author and much, much more. She too was a great student and she too had great public school teachers. Belittling her education and those responsible for providing it is a negative! Not nice!

Gorena also insinuates that White supremacist groups are not as prevalent as some people claim. Perhaps if he reads what the Southern Poverty Law Center has to say about these people, it might change his thinking, or not.

Judging from his letter, Gorena also thinks that hoodlums bashing protesters’ heads with baseball bats might dissuade these protesters from protesting. And this makes me wonder: Does he really believe these hoodlums are that stupid? Well, considering that this breed of people stupidly believed Donald Trump’s “big lie” and stormed and savagely disrespected those who protected our revered Capitol, it’s certainly not unthinkable.

So, what is Ernie doing here? Hoping to egg these crazies on? Who does he think he is — otro Trump?

Italo J. Zarate


Why watch

Fox News?

Hey all you American Fox News fanatics, especially those of Hispanic heritage:

Data from Fox News show that they have 161 employees whom they class as “on-air personalities.” Also, did you know that those Americans of Hispanic heritage account for 19.5% of our nation’s population? So, if there is to be a balanced interpretation of news from Fox talking heads (they produce opinions, not news), you would suspect that about 30 (19.5%) of their on-air personalities should be of Hispanic heritage. Wrong; referencing only last names, it is only four (2.5%). That’s one-tenth or so of what it should be.

So, my fellow Americans, why are you watching Fox News?

Ned Sheats


Law and order

not supported

The Republican Party prides it self as the law and order party. This is one of the biggest lies that gullible everyday Republicans eat up all the time.

If they are the law and order party, why then have very little Republicans Congress members denounced the violence against the Capitol Police during the Jan. 6, 2021, attack by Trump supporters?

Sorry, I forgot it was not an attack on the Capitol; it was Republican demonstration of the right to gather, according to the right-wing media.

Jesus Rodriguez
