Politico recently reported that Mathew Seifried, the RNC Michigan election integrity director, is recruiting lawyers and state pollworkers, not pollwatchers (there’s an important difference), to be hired in black Michigan precincts to contest voting credentials and/or challenge them. The operation is meant to cause chaos and to slow down or even stop voting.

Here is what some are calling the new “slow-moving coup.” Workshops have been organized by the RNC, and building “relationships” with judges and police departments in Michigan and plans are moving in other key states.

These events are at a grassroots level and should not pertain to Democrats only, but to everyone who votes. One reporter states that the GOP anti-democratic Big Lie has become part of GOP orthodoxy.

Shirley Rickett


Lives depend

on your vote

With our vote we elect our representatives to solve the problems we have in our community, state and country. One of their primary obligations is to make sure their constituents are physically safe. I cannot think of a higher obligation.

With all the mass shootings happening in our churches, grocery stores, parks and schools, we definitely have a problem that for years has not be resolved by our representatives.

Within 48 hours after the recent Uvalde school mass shooting, some of our representatives including our governor and leading Republican senators publicly announced nothing could be done to solve this problem and instead offered more prayers and condolences to the families of the victims. In fact, they are and have been of the position we do not have a “gun” problem in this country and point to the “crazies” in our society as the root of this problem. They say mental health focus is the solution, not the easy access to guns especially the AR-15, the weapon of choice for these mass murderers.

Since then, in an attempt to posture for the upcoming November elections, the top Republican leader (Mitch McConnell, a fervent gun proponent) “signaled” his willingness to “talk” about this problem.

It should not take another tragedy, like the one in Uvalde, and an upcoming national election for these “leaders” to acknowledge the severity of the problem they have created with their very loose gun control laws.

It is time to replace these representatives and elect those who recognize the problem and work to resolve it as soon as possible so that these shootings do not continue to be a way of life in this country.

These “there is no gun problem” representatives have sold their souls and voices to special interests and until they are out of office, nothing will change. Using their favorite term, the “woke” attitude they now have is all political posturing for the next election. Cheap political maneuvering is their only agenda.

Term limits would cut off the special interests’ hold on these politicians but voting them out of office at the next election will at least eliminate their “do nothing” hold on our community, state and country.

If you do not vote these representatives out of office in the next election, the shootings will continue and next time it may be you and/or your loved one who will be the subject of their predictable press conferences and offerings of condolences and prayers.

So vote, and vote for a change. A life, maybe yours, may depend on it.

Antonio Villeda
