Letters: Can’t forget

Amid all the chaos of snoozing past two alarms, feeding the dogs, taking out the dogs and packing lunch, I forgot to take out the trash the night before, so here I am dragging the bin in my pajamas, rushed and aggravated. I’m annoyed, tired and forgetful.

Every day feels the same: scroll, swipe and click. Wake up, get up and drive. Punch in, work, punch out, eat, and punch in again only to leave and, and for the second time this week, forgetting to punch out. I keep forgetting, numb to the news.

Forgetting Dec. 14. Forgetting that during a fire drill, not long after, students lined up and waited to evacuate the room instead of the usual routine of dragging our feet, moving like cattle, out into the halls and outside. I forgot that by the door, a specialized lock sits quietly watching the room, quaint and shiny, ready at a moment’s notice. Dare I say I have forgotten how to use it?

I forgot to pack my phone charger while at the same time I forgot Parkland. Do you remember? Have you always remembered? Or did you stop forgetting until now? Since May 24?

I left the house this morning without my purse. And once I dropped off my daughter without a raincoat after I remembered to check the forecast.

We cannot forget. For every reminder of an appointment or party invitation. For every ring or vibration of our alarms and alerts, we must not forget. When you get to your driveway and unload the groceries only to realize you forgot milk, do not forget their names.

Today I remembered the bleeder pack tucked in the corner of my room. I walked into a restaurant and remembered where all the exits are.

These are not the memories we need. God please help us to forget the hate in our hearts and instead remember to recognize love for the sake of the children. Things need to change.

Al Pantoja




The editorial reprinted from the Houston Chronicle on May 31 makes the case for the scurrilous hypocrisy of Gov. Abbott. The title, “Cowardice: Abbott says ‘never again’: Don’t believe a word of it,” is fair and exposes a man who cannot be trusted. The record is clear. He will do nothing to reform gun safety, no matter how much carnage continues in this country.

He is a dedicated Republican who owes nothing to the people he swore to represent. The Republican Party lives on with what it has become. No policies, only constant character assassination aimed at the Democrats or people Trump didn’t endorse, while embracing conspiracy theories and the people who pump them out (online and Fox) grow fatter and richer.

The GOP continues to prop up state poll workers with people who believe the Big Lie and who don’t like elections that don’t favor them. Four years ago in Santa Fe Abbott that it was time to make sure this tragedy never happened again while the cameras were rolling.

In Uvalde he said the same thing. But when lawmakers needed his help to pass red flag laws and a loophole, he let the bills die just as he let those children and teachers perish. He’s the head guy.

Accountability lies with him.

Shirley Rickett
