Why did the ducks cross the road in Brownsville? They had community support

Traffic stopped briefly — and voluntarily — in both directions Friday afternoon on Ruben Torres Boulevard in Brownsville.

Local residents helped a duck and her ducklings cross the busy roadway between Sunrise Mall and a nearby resaca.

Although motorists stopped voluntarily, and there were a few honks, the duck family was guided through traffic with the help of local resident, Daniel Sanchez, who first spotted the ducks roadside near Red Lobster.

“I think they’re trying to cross,” he said, helping to oversee the the ducks across six lanes of traffic.

The feat wasn’t without some hiccups in getting the ducks in a row and out of harm’s way.

The ducklings ran and hid underneath a red sedan until the driver got out and shooed them onward with his cap.

Traffic soon resumed.