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COMMENTARY: Taxpayers should not pay for college indoctrination

It is unforgivable that any adult would suggest to any student that there might be a possibility to escape the level of accountability required for the reception of a loan. Actual experience has more value than all the lofty words taught from our dictionaries.

LETTERS: Lend support to newspapers, Dirty politics

No matter what political position we represent when we provide our opinions in the printed media, we are all taking advantage of a quickly disappearing insurance policy for America’s survival.

LETTERS: Print more about Biden, Trump’s blowback

The mainstream media need to get their many heads out of the sand like the proverbial ostrich. Since 2016 we have, almost every day through the media, been told how bad President Trump was: He was destroying our democracy, he lied about everything, he was totally corrupt.

LETTERS: Cyclist safety, Democrats draw attack

Bicycle, pedestrian and road safety awareness are in the thoughts of RGV residents right now. The recent road accidents and inexcusable and preventable deaths of friends and neighbors are scars to the community.

COMMENTARY: Charter schools deemed bad for public education

This is in response to your Aug. 6 editorial on school choice.

LETTERS: Highway 4 in bad shape, Lincoln didn’t liberate slaves

I have traveled down Texas Highway 4 on my way to Boca Chica Beach and it is in real bad condition. I read that recently an 18-wheeler ran of the road and crashed and the driver was killed.

EDITORIAL: Federal officials shouldn’t let Abbott bully them over border

Finally, somebody has the guts to stand up to Greg Abbott.

LETTERS: Oil companies own our lives, Marking 60 years

In a book by Joanna Macy, Active Hope, I first encountered the phrase, “business as usual.” I responded to a plea online by Bill McKibben to be aware, to understand what is happening. That was 11 years ago. In The New Yorker (“Higher and Higher,” July 24) I read McKibben again.

LETTERS: Comments contested, Trump defended

President Barack Obama worked hard to straighten out the mess George W. Bush left behind. That’s because Republicans worked twice as hard to obstruct his every move, even those they previously approved of.

LETTERS: Prisoners need air-conditioning, Modern Atlantis

Most of us sit, eat and sleep in air-conditioned rooms, close to a fan or even under the shade of a nearby tree trying to stay cool and hydrated in this record-breaking heat wave that is causing havoc in so many ways. Even the homeless and illegal immigrants are given some sort of haven to protect themselves from the punishing heat.