What are the signs and symptoms of thyroid disease? How do I know if I need surgery?

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Courtesy of DHR Health

By: Dr. Samuel K. Snyder, DHR Health Diabetes & Endocrinology Institute

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ in the lower anterior neck across the trachea (windpipe). It makes thyroid hormone, which controls our metabolism, essentially the speed of all our bodily processes. The signs and symptoms of thyroid disease are related to abnormalities of the thyroid hormone level or enlargement of the thyroid gland. When the thyroid hormone level becomes low (hypothyroidism) then the individual feels tired and generally gains weight.  The skin becomes dry, the hair is coarse, and the individual is intolerant of cold weather. When the thyroid hormone level becomes elevated hyperthyroidism) then the individual has trouble sleeping and begins to lose weight.  The skin is sweaty, the hair is fine, movement is shaky and the individual becomes intolerant of hot weather. Since 80% of thyroid disease occurs in women, there can be menstrual irregularities as well, heavier periods with hypothyroidism or lighter periods with hyperthyroidism. Abnormalities in the thyroid hormone level can be readily diagnosed with a simple blood test.

Enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter) can be related to hyperfunction (Graves’ disease) or hypofunction (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis). This can produce a visible butterfly-shaped enlargement of the lower neck. More typically, enlargement of the thyroid is related to the presence of tumor growths within the gland. These are usually benign tumors (not cancer) but can be malignant. The tumor growths can put pressure on adjacent structures. Pressure on the esophagus can result in difficulty swallowing with food or liquids hanging up in the mid-neck area. Pressure on the trachea can produce a choking sensation, breathing difficulty, cough irritation from the neck, or frequent throat clearing. Pressure on the nerve to the voice box can result in hoarseness or a change in voice tone. Most thyroid disease is inherited so there is frequently a relative with similar problems.

There are only two reasons for thyroid surgery. One is to treat thyroid cancer or a concern for the presence of thyroid cancer. An ultrasound examination of the thyroid is essential to diagnosing the reason for thyroid enlargement or the presence of tumors. The ultrasound can then be used to guide a necessary FNA (fine needle aspiration) to draw out cells from within the tumor to examine under the microscope for the presence of cancer. Nowadays, when this examination is uncertain then the tumor cells can be further analyzed for gene or molecular abnormalities that can predict the likelihood of thyroid cancer. The 2nd reason for thyroid surgery is to treat symptoms related to abnormalities of the thyroid hormone level, enlargement of the thyroid, or benign tumors within the thyroid.

DHR Health Diabetes and Endocrinology Institute can help guide you through the process of thyroid surgery. If you or a loved one would like more information or to speak to one of our experts, please call DHR Health Diabetes and Endocrinology Institute at (956) 362-5650.