Why should I hire a car accident lawyer?

By: Kenny Perez, Guest Contributor

Whether it’s a simple fender bender, or a high-speed collision, an automobile accident can leave you with many questions about what to do next. Having an experienced and knowledgeable attorney on your side can help you avoid potentially serious problems down the road, and ensure you get all the compensation you deserve.

Determining who’s at fault

Fault for an accident can be decided in different places. It could be outlined in the police report, by the auto insurance companies, in arbitration, or in court by a jury. Texas is a fault-based car accident state, but you may deserve some compensation, even if you are partially at fault.

Your lawyer will work on your behalf to establish fault. To do so, the accident attorney will collect evidence on your behalf, including the police report, medical reports, footage from traffic cameras, and hiring accident reconstruction professionals to recreate the crash, if necessary.

Types of compensation

Exact damages vary with each case, but those commonly pursued after a car accident include:

  • Medical treatment costs
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Estimated future medical treatment costs
  • Lost wages
  • Estimated future lost wages for permanent injuries
  • Replacement services such as lawn care, cleaning services, or other help to maintain a household
  • Pain and suffering
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Punitive damages

Dealing with insurance companies

Insurance companies are notorious for paying less than claims are worth. My advice is to let an attorney negotiate for you. Insurance companies are not there to protect you. They’re only looking to protect their shareholders, and the individual who is insured to them.

If you do make a statement, it can be recorded and used against you in the future, which could damage your claim. What I recommend you do is seek legal advice from an attorney who specializes in personal injury claims. You should tell the insurance company to contact your lawyer directly. Your attorney can appeal a claim denial, and possibly negotiate a better settlement amount.

Going to trial

Most traffic accident injury claims settle before the case ends up in court. However, settlement is not always an option. That’s because car accidents can result in catastrophic injuries, major liability disputes, and multiple defendants. All this can make settling difficult.

Even though the likelihood of going to court is low, you should prepare for that possibility. Your car accident lawyer can evaluate your claim, and advise you on the aspects of your case that might complicate settlement negotiations.

Attorney consultation is free

As a personal injury attorney, I work on a contingency basis, meaning I only get paid when my clients get paid. I use my network of contacts, my years of experience, and my skills to get my clients the maximum compensation for their injuries, lost wages, property damage, pain, and suffering.

At Kenny Perez Law in Brownsville, my staff and I are ready to fight for all the compensation you deserve. We take our job to represent your interests seriously. Call us now at (956) 544-9292 or visit www.kennyperezlaw.com for more information.