McDonald seeking re-election to County Court-at-Law No. 1

Judge Arturo A. McDonald, Jr. is seeking re-election to County Court-at-Law No. 1.

In the last 10 years, McDonald has handled more than 30,000 cases.

McDonald said he emphasizes speed and efficiency. He starts his days at 8:30 a.m., ready to tackle that day’s docket.

“The way I see it is this … we want to get this done as soon as possible because it’s a black cloud over your head, especially if you’re young. You can’t go into the Marines because you’ve got this, or you can’t get financial aid because you’ve got that,” McDonald said.

Wanting to do things efficiently was why he also installed a Polycom monitor in his courtroom. McDonald can go through the docket electronically with the inmates from Carrizalez-Rucker Detention Center, and for the most part, inmates do not need to be transported back and forth to the courthouse.

“It’s fantastic. The only ones being brought in are across the street, or if they go to trial, we bring them in,” McDonald said. “The county saves money and manpower, because otherwise when you bring them in, you have to separate (the gang members) … otherwise they start tearing at each other.”

McDonald has previously served as a municipal court judge and a public defender for the 103rd state District Court.

McDonald likes to get everyone who comes into his court situated quickly. From arraignment to setting a trial hearing is a process that takes about 30 days, he said.

“That’s why we work 12 months a year, and I know everyone says people take off in July, but we take care of our business here,” McDonald said. “If nobody got in trouble, that would be fantastic, but we know that doesn’t happen.”

The Democratic primary election is in March 2018.