Media biased – no question

In response to Lou Laslo’s, “News media is not anti-Trump but Pro-Truth” in the 7/16/2017 VMS, I have to begin by asking Mr. Laslo, did you read the article that I quoted?

March 2017,The Hill -“Media reaps dividends from Trump attacks.”

Does that mean the media has been making money hand over fist by attacking Mr. Trump, or does it mean something else?

This is what Glen Greenwald, a self-admitted liberal journalist said: “Over and over, major U.S. media outlets have published claims about the Russia Threat that turned out to be completely false — always (always) in the direction of exaggerating the threat and/or inventing incriminating links … In virtually all cases, those stories involved evidence-free assertions from anonymous sources that these media outlets uncritically treated as fact; only for it to be revealed that they are entirely false.”

Doesn’t that mean that instead of investigating allegations against President Trump, the liberal media treats any and all unsubstantiated rumors or flat out lies as fact because rumors and lies increase their viewers, therefore their ratings and income?

Maybe to some people it’s not left wing anti-Trump propaganda, but to me it certainly is.

Are the following headlines anti Trump or are they about fair and unbiased “journalists” seeking the truth?

2/18/2017 NYTimes – How can “we” get rid of Trump?

4/13/2017 NYTimes – How can “we” stand up to Trump and win?

5/16/2017 NYTimes -The 25th Amendment solution for removing Trump.

The liberal media movement against Mr. Trump did not begin after he won the election. It began soon after Mr. Trump announced he was running for president in June 2015.

2/21/2016, Washington Post -The moment of truth “we” must stop Trump.

4/9/2016, The Boston Globe -The GOP must stop Donald Trump.

4/29/2016, Washington Post – If Trump is nominated, the GOP must keep him out of the White House.

7/19/2016 LATimes – If Trump wins, a coup isn’t impossible here in the US.

Please, Mr. Laslo, get a grip. The liberal, corporate-owned mainstream media has been, is, and will continue to be anti-Trump.

The real reason behind the anti Trump movement, Mr. Trump winning the election threw a monkey-wrench into the plans of the Bilderberg Group, the globalists, ruling class billionaires of the world.

Hillary Clinton was the Bilderberg’s pick for America’s 45th president.

But pro-amnesty and pro-illegal immigration GOP candidates such as, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Lindsay Graham, etc. would have been acceptable to them.

For VMS readers that have children and/or grandchildren, as sincerely as I can, I would ask that you Google and read the following: “War on globalism,” an article by Michael Snyder – 7/3/2017, zero hedge.

“2017 update: Donald Trump vs. The Bilderberg Group,”

“Beyond the Media Matrix” – www.beyondthemediamatrix. net.

N. Rodriguez, Harlingen