We’ve heard this Leftist story before

Donald Trump is a fascist, a Nazi, Hitler.

A dictator that hates minorities. Blah, blah, blah. Here we go again, history repeating itself.

These same things were said about George W. Bush by the Left and they just keep recycling the same old tired insults.

I remember the hatred that was thrown at GWB was pretty bad but for President Trump it’s simply off the scale.

What’s that old saying, the more things change the more they stay the same.

It’s clear to me that the election of Donald Trump has driven some people in this country to the very edge of insanity.

And in some cases over the edge.

Recently, a deranged Democrat tried to murder a Republican congressman and others before he was stopped.

So far, 11 Hollywood celebrities have called for violence against the President. The Secret service is investigating. Things have gotten ugly out there. But this war has been raging for decades.

The Left versus the Right.

Both sides are passionate about what they believe in and neither side wants to yield.

Both sides hate each other but the Left has really come unhinged.

There is a lot of scuttlebutt on the internet about a second civil war. Will it be Red States versus Blue States?

I’m on the conservative side and have no desire for this country to rip itself apart again. The Left needs to accept the results of the election and just suck it up.

Plenty of us conservatives were upset when Obama became president, but we didn’t lose our minds over it.

We just sucked it up and drove on. This is an ideological war that can be won without firing a shot, at the ballot box.

America gave President Obama eight years and the country survived despite anger and bitterness on both sides.

Now it’s someone else’s turn to lead the nation and should be afforded the same fair chance. Trump won the election fair and square.

As for the President’s tweets attacking the media that is trying to destroy him, he has the right to defend himself against defamation and outright libel.

But he can do it without insults and come out on top and better for it.

The Left won’t stop anyway but the crazier they get the more Americans will see how loony these people are and stay away from that side of the aisle.

I will close with a quote I read somewhere a while back: The goal of every man in life should not be to always be in the ranks of the majority, but to avoid being in the ranks of the insane. Peace.

Luis Gonzalez San Benito