Citizen assist: Man honored for coming to aid of police officer

McALLEN — Omar Perez was simply going to a local Family Dollar to buy a mop when he saw a McAllen police officer involved in a struggle with a man.

McALLEN — Omar Perez was simply going to a local Family Dollar to buy a mop when he saw a McAllen police officer involved in a struggle with a man.

The man had Patrol Officer Eric Lerma in a chokehold on the floor.

Lerma was on bike patrol on Feb. 23 when he received a call about a man acting strangely. As Lerma tried to apprehend the man, a chase ensued and the foot race ended inside the dollar store.

Perez, 39, heard a commotion in an aisle and quickly took action. With his help, Lerma was able to put the man in handcuffs.

“I just saw a person in need,” Perez said. “I didn’t see a cop or an officer, I just saw a person in need.”

The McAllen Police Association-Texas Municipal Police Association thanked and honored Perez during their July 27 meeting.

“(He went) above and beyond in a crisis situation (and) did the right thing at the right time for the right reasons,” said Officer David Alvarado, the association’s president.

“A lot of people call us for help, but it’s good to know that when I needed help they were there for me,” said Lerma.

The association replayed the video of the struggle, which was caught on a security camera, before presenting Perez with a plaque of appreciation. Lerma said while “it’s not pleasant” watching it, the footage is a learning tool for officers because it shows that anything can happen on duty.

Perez, whose mother and family were at the event, received a standing ovation from the officers in attendance.

“This plaque is dedicated to my two daughters and my two sons,” Perez said.