Response to fire shows RGV’s heart

Imagine losing your home and all your belongings from one second to another.

This is a difficult situation no one wants to go through. But giving is the key.

It doesn’t matter if you have a lot to give or a little. What matters is the kind deed and helping others.

The community from McAllen has showed their kindheartedness after 14 families were evacuated from their apartment complex due to a fire.

There have been many donations from the community that the school had to stop the donations momentarily, since they have been immeasurable. The community has also set up a Go Fund Me page for the families.

This shows what the Rio Grande Valley is about, kind and caring individuals whose heart goes out for everyone.

I think this gesture from the community tells a lot about the kind of people we are.

Helping others in their time of need, even when you don’t have to but you choose to, makes the world better.

Knowing that there are people out there who are willing to give you a helping hand gives you peace of mind.

Every person that donated is giving a great example for our children and the rest of our community.

We should all follow this example and try to help others as much as we can. We never know if we will be in the same situation someday.

Thank you for taking time to read my letter.

Aime Bautista Mercedes