A better time

If anyone feels that the reality of life is not enough reality, tune in to TV or go to one of the majority of movies where we can find murder, mayhem, malaise, malevolent, maladjusted, mincing specimens of humanity that really live in the world somewhere.

Once we have been drenched in blood and seen formidable numbers of evil intentioned people parade their evil with too much success, we may find ourselves ill tempered toward our fellow man and nauseous over the condition of the world in general.

We may feel the need for a bath to rid ourselves of the psychological garbage.

When did we decide to reinforce that mind-set?

If we don’t live in that world, why do we impose it on ourselves? Just to experience that reality?

Yet, those forced into that world would love to leave it.

There was a time when the positive was accentuated, as Hoggy Carmichael wrote “You gotta accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative,” etc.

It may not be reality all of the time.

It may seem more like fantasy in our lives, but it adds strength to our resolve to find good in others and do good unto them.

When the good guy graces the screen and wins over evil, it leaves a good feeling and “leaves a good taste in our mouths” It adds a smile to our faces and lightness to our steps.

Times may change, but the human heart can be appealed to.

It’s time for a more positive outlook, and more positive movies. That’s why I like old Westerns.

The good guys don’t compromise their virtues. And they always win. Something to strive for. What’s wrong with that?

Sincerely, Norma Christian Raymondville