City’s comprehensive plan still pending

HARLINGEN — The long dormant One Vision-One Harlingen comprehensive plan leaped back to life last week.

The plan, produced by the engineering firm Halff Associates, originally was going to take a year to 18 months to finalize when the idea was made public in September 2013. But for the past year, the plan has been in a coma.

When Assistant City Manager Gabriel Gonzalez presented a revised comprehensive plan to the city Planning and Zoning Board earlier this week, commissioners balked at signing off on a version they had not reviewed.

Municipal comprehensive plans determine a city’s goals and can be used to shape public policy in areas such as land use, parks and recreation, housing, transportation and utilities. Such plans can be tailored to serve as a guide for cities for several years or even decades.

In presenting what he said was a revised plan to the commission Wednesday, Gonzalez emphasized that it was nothing new, but had been changed to address criticism about grammatical errors and to rearrange the order in which the content was presented.

But Tre Peacock, chair of the Planning and Zoning Committee, said he was a member of the special advisory committee on the comprehensive plan and said he had not signed off on it, or even seen the revised proposal.

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