San Benito schools map 5-year plan

SAN BENITO — The San Benito school district is eager to begin its five-year strategic planning process.

This Saturday, officials will kick off planning with the first of five meetings for the Re-Imagine 2021 Strategic Plan.

Individuals from the district and community, including staff, parents, students, religious officials, business leaders and members of the media, have been invited to partake and provide their input to the plan.

It’s a complete cross section of people, said Superintendent Dr. Adrian Vega.

More than 100 people responded to the invitation, but more than 200 people were considered.

During Saturday’s meeting that Vega said will last most of the day, participants are expected to hear from Vega and discuss the main areas of concern.

Those include curriculum, finance, facilities, communications and other areas.

Presenters will be on hand to give committee members more information as needed, Vega said.

Once everyone has found an area of concern they are most passionate about, the group will be broken up into subgroups and each table will have a facilitator and note taker.

During the following meetings in the coming weeks, Vega said together they will identify the key areas of concern and tackle the issue.

“By summer, we should have a plan to take to the school board,” he said. “Then we can start to implement the plan at the start of fall 2016.”

Vega, who is willing and eager to do what is necessary, said it’s going to be a lot of work.

“I see no alternative. We cannot start the school year without a new plan,” he said.

Even though the group faces weeks of work, Vega said it’s an exciting time for the district.

“It’s a great moment in history,” he said. “The last time we had a plan like this was from 1998 to 2003.”